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Category: Notes


TL;DR: adjustable by default. If you want to lock it to a specific voltage, cut the line above ADJ and solder across the pads next to the voltage you want.


Wireguard point-to-point setup

Let’s say you have two servers: Cabbage and BEETroot (naming your servers after vegetables is normal, right?). Cabbage hosts a database and some other services and BEETroot hosts your application. You want them to be able to connect to each other securely, without having to deal with securing every one of the services to go over the Internet.

This guide was written for Ubuntu Server 18.04, but should be valid for any Linux system (aside from the installation steps).

Installing Wireguard

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard
sudo apt-get install wireguard

Generating keys

On each server, a private key needs to be generated and a public key derived from it. For convenience, the bottom command will save both to files, named after the server’s hostname:

user@both-servers:~ $ wg genkey | tee "$(hostname -s).wgpriv" | wg pubkey > "$(hostname -s).wgpub"

Both should look similar to this: gMFBuyVWbx/O9DAn2ajAhnNN0GAfZTM8u7d0HTJoqWs=


The Wireguard config files reside in /etc/wireguard/. They are ini files, use the .conf extension and are named after their Wireguard interfaces (wg[number]).

You will also need to decide on a port (which you will have to open) and private IP address for each of the servers (on the same subnet, of course).

Our convention is to use the same iface name and port (starting at 51820) on both sides of a P-P link and IPv4 addresses in a /31 subnet. (iface wg[n] ipv4 10.0.[n].[0,1]/31 port 51820+[n])

Edit /etc/wireguard/wg[n].conf with root privs:

# P-P link to [other side]

# Our config
Address = [our INTERNAL address]/31
PrivateKey = [our privkey]
ListenPort = [our port]

# [other side]
PublicKey = [other side's pubkey]
AllowedIPs = [other side's INTERNAL address]/31
Endpoint = [other side's EXTERNAL address]:[other side's port]

An example for Cabbage would therefore be:

# P-P link to BEETroot

# Our config
Address =
PrivateKey = gMFBuyVWbx/O9DAn2ajAhnNN0GAfZTM8u7d0HTJoqWs=
ListenPort = 51820

# BEETroot
PublicKey = omFWU/kRAAQOU+31j6RoIPA7HLVSqW67BvQuZ9z1uxA=
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint =

Applying and testing

Assuming the previous example (wg0):

# Apply config
user@both-servers:~ $ sudo wg-quick up wg0
# Start the connection
user@both-servers:~ $ systemctl start wg-quick@wg0
# Make start on startup (optional)
user@both-servers:~ $ systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0

Let’s see if it works (example output):

user@Cabbage:~ $ sudo wg show
interface: wg0
  public key: omFWU/kRAAQOU+31j6RoIPA7HLVSqW67BvQuZ9z1uxA=
  private key: (hidden)
  listening port: 51820

peer: omFWU/kRAAQOU+31j6RoIPA7HLVSqW67BvQuZ9z1uxA=
  allowed ips:
  latest handshake: 1 second ago
  transfer: 148 B received, 92 B sent

user@Cabbage:~ $ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=46.1 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 46.174/46.174/46.174/0.000 ms

Xiaomi Yi camera

General info

  • OS: Buildroot
  • CPU: ARMv6-compatible processor rev 5 (v6l)
  • BogoMIPS: 524.28
  • Memory: 37MB

The root filesystem is rootfs, which is stored in memory and therefore wiped on reboot. The Micro SD card is mounted at /tmp/fuse_d/. Something is also mounted at /tmp/fuse_a and /tmp/fuse_z.


  • SSID: YDXJ_[last 7 digits of SN]
  • Default pass: 1234567890
  • Securtiy: WPA2-Personal
  • Camera IP:

Nmap scan:

Opened ports on 
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 554/tcp on
Discovered open port 53/tcp on
Discovered open port 8787/tcp on
Discovered open port 7878/tcp on

Shell access

To enable shell access you must create an empty file on the SD card named enable_info_display.script. Then you can connect to the camera using telnet:

telnet 23

You will be presented a login promt:

buildroot login: 

Type root and hit enter. You are now connected to the camera’s root Linux shell

Telnet commands

Technically just a raw TCP socket connection, but it’s easier to just call it telnet.

telnet 7878


Error messages sent by the camera:

  • {"rval": -7} – Input is not a valid JSON object
  • {"rval":-4,"msg_id":0} – Input object is empty
  • {"rval":-9,"msg_id":0} – Input object is not a valid command


All requests require a token you have to request when connecting to the camera:


{"msg_id":257, "token":0}


{ "rval": 0, "msg_id": 257, "param": 1 }

param is your token. All requests in this article have the token set to 1. This will be different for you.



{"msg_id":3, "token":1} 


NOTE: The config is a list of objects of settings, not just an object of settings. You have to use a loop!

	"rval": 0,
	"msg_id": 3,
	"param": [
		{"camera_clock": "2015-04-07 02:32:29"},
		{"video_standard": "NTSC"},
		{"app_status": "idle"},
		{"video_resolution": "1920x1080 60P 16:9"},
		{"video_stamp": "off"},
		{"video_quality": "S.Fine"},
		{"timelapse_video": "off"},
		{"capture_mode": "precise quality"},
		{"photo_size": "16M (4608x3456 4:3)"},
		{"photo_stamp": "off"},
		{"photo_quality": "S.Fine"},
		{"timelapse_photo": "60"},
		{"preview_status": "on"},
		{"buzzer_volume": "mute"},
		{"buzzer_ring": "off"},
		{"capture_default_mode": "precise quality"},
		{"precise_cont_time": "60.0 sec"},
		{"burst_capture_number": "7 p / s"},
		{"restore_factory_settings": "on"},
		{"led_mode": "all enable"},
		{"dev_reboot": "on"},
		{"meter_mode": "center"},
		{"sd_card_status": "insert"},
		{"video_output_dev_type": "tv"},
		{"sw_version": "YDXJv22_1.0.7_build-20150330113749_b690_i446_s699"},
		{"hw_version": "YDXJ_v22"},
		{"dual_stream_status": "on"},
		{"streaming_status": "off"},
		{"precise_cont_capturing": "off"},
		{"piv_enable": "off"},
		{"auto_low_light": "on"},
		{"loop_record": "off"},
		{"warp_enable": "off"},
		{"support_auto_low_light": "on"},
		{"precise_selftime": "5s"},
		{"precise_self_running": "off"},
		{"auto_power_off": "5 minutes"},
		{"serial_number": "xxxxx"},
		{"system_mode": "capture"},
		{"system_default_mode": "capture"},
		{"start_wifi_while_booted": "off"},
		{"quick_record_time": "0"},
		{"precise_self_remain_time": "0"},
		{"sdcard_need_format": "no-need"},
		{"video_rotate": "off"}

Photo capture




{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "start_photo_capture", "param":"precise quality;off"}
{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "photo_taken", "param":"/tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/100MEDIA/YDXJ0047.jpg"}
  • param is the full path of the image

NOTE: To get the download URL of the image, replace /tmp/fuse_d/ with

Telnet events

All messages with msg_id: 7 are events and are sent automatically by the camera.

{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "<string: event name>"}

Some events also provide additional data in the param attribute:

{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "<string: event name>", "param":"<int: event data>"}

Below is a list of known events, their parameters and an example for each


Fired when the battery level changes

{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "battery", "param":"20"}
  • type is battery when discharging and adapter when charging
  • param is the battery charge percentage (int 1-100, obviously)

Charger status

Fired when the USB charging cable is connected/disconnected

{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "adapter_status" ,"param":"1"}
  • param:0 – cable disconnected
  • param:1 – cable connected

Camera mode switched

Fired when the recording mode is changed (big button on the front)

{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "switch_to_rec_mode" }
  • type:"switch_to_rec_mode" – switched to video mode
  • type:"switch_to_cap_mode" – switched to photo mode

Photo taken

{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "start_photo_capture" ,"param":"precise quality;off"}
{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "precise_capture_data_ready" }
{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "photo_taken" ,"param":"/tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/100MEDIA/YDXJ0513.jpg"}

SD Card status

Fired when the SD card is inserted/removed

{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "sd_card_status" ,"param":"insert"}
  • type:"insert" – SD card inserted
  • type:"remove" – SD card removed When SD card is removed, the following event also fires:
{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "CARD_REMOVED" }

Live view

After you’ve successfully authenticated through telnet, you can connect to rtsp:// with VLC (or similar) to see the live view of the camera.

This doesn’t always work. The only 100% way I know is to first connect with the official app.

Unknown events

Photo taken vf_start/stop

Fired after start_photo_capture Best guess: stop live view

{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "vf_stop" }

Fired after photo_taken Best guess: start live view

{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "vf_start" }

vf == “viewfinder” ?

Battery status

This message has been observed when taking out the battery with the cam on USB power, but I haven’t been able to reproduce it so far.

{ "msg_id": 7, "type": "battery_status" ,"param":"0"}
  • param – observed values0 and -1

Some of my favourite free, modern-looking, easy to use, web-based email clients that anyone can install and use with their mail server (in no particular order).


  • Built-in calendar, contacts and task list
  • VERY advanced filters
  • PGP support
  • Multiple identities/e-mail accounts
  • Many – too many – skins (free and paid)
  • A few responsive skins (default isn’t)


  • Single-pane or horizontal/vertical split
  • Advanced filtering (using Sieve)
  • Two-factor authentication
  • OpenPGP support (client-side JS)
  • No mobile support


  • Tag-based sorting
  • OpenPGP support
  • Multiple identities/e-mail accounts
  • No mobile support
  • Not (yet) multi-user

AfterLogin WebMail Lite

  • Contact manager with groups
  • Multiple identities/e-mail accounts
  • No mobile support

Neutron (ProtonMail WebClient)

  • A server for the ProtonMail WebClient
  • OpenPGP support
  • Fully responsive

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